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Unit Presentation on Map

By default, Units icons on the map are displayed with the Unit name. A Unit icon can be selected from a standard set, e.g.    , or you can upload your own image. Unit icons can be configured to rotate on the map to indicate the direction of movement

Displaying Inactive Units

Units are defined as active or inactive. If Units have not reported for more than 48 hours, they are displayed as blurred out icons, see below image on the left.

Otherwise icons are shown clearly when they are active, see below image on the right.

Units icons can be used to quickly determine if devices have not reported, are overlapping or clustered

Other Markings

If a Unit is currently reporting motion, a green arrow shows movement direction and the Unit can be followed by a trace which shows Unit trace for several recent Messages.  Trace default length is 5 Messages; this can be configured in User Settings.

Unit trails display near real-time position of data

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