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Notifications can be created for any Unit activity that you consider significant.

Often, Notifications are used for:

  • Panic (in case of an accident or incident)

  • Over-speeding

  • Inside / Outside a Geofence (can be used with speed zones)

  • Connection loss

Notifications can be received in a number of different ways:


  • Via Notifications pop-up within SicuroTrackV2 (can be configured with audible alarm)

  • By SMS to a person or group of people

  • By email to a person or group of people

Creating and Editing Notifications

NOTE: Sicuro Support will assist you in setting up Panic Alarms, Harsh Braking/Acceleration and Speeding Notifications.


NOTE: Notifications are not saved in history nor in the Reports by default. Rather you should make sure that the Notifications are registered as either an event or violation, in this manner they could be generated in event / violation Report.


To create or amend Notifications, go to the Notifications tab and click on new or amend icon. The following steps should be followed when creating Notifications:

1. Choose a Resource folder. In SicuroTrackV2, Resources such as Notifications and Geofences are contained in Resource folders. By default, your Resource folder’s name is the same as your Fleet’s name.

Different Resource Groups are shown as an example

2. Choose Unit(s) to create a Notification for and click next.

Aside from Units, Unit Groups may be assigned to Notifications. This makes Notifications management simpler.

3. Select what you would like to set as trigger type: inside/outside Geofence, idling, speed, connection loss and many others, then click next.

SicuroTrackV2 supports a variety of triggers for Notifications

4. Indicate how the Notification should be delivered: Email, SMS or online pop-up Notifications. If you wish to include Notifications in reports, make sure that they are registered as either an event or a violation report.

Multiple email addresses and SMS numbers can be configured. Custom sounds and pop-up window colours may also be used

5. Input your text for the Notification using special fields listed in the table below. They will be substituted with real values when the Notification triggers.

Notifications enable the use of customised alarm messages, e.g., Google links and Geofences can be included in the alarms

6. Key in a name for the Notification and adjust its schedule.

You can adjust time-related parameters for the Notifications. i.e., it expires after a week, after ten triggers, every Monday and others

Sicuro recommends that the following are applied as default setting:

Time interval: Unticked

Control period from current time: For the last hour

Min duration of alarm state: Activate immediately

Max triggers: Blank

Generate Notification: For All Messages

Enabled: Checked

With these settings, Notifications will be triggered as the platform receives the Messages from the Unit in near-real time. For more customised Notifications requirements, please feel free to coordinate with Sicuro Support.

Online Notifications, SMS and Email

NOTE: Online Notifications are screen pop ups and can only be received by Users logged in to the system when Notifications are triggered. They are not stored in SicuroTrackV2 after logging out. Keep in mind these can be saved through Reports, as mentioned in section 3.3.4 Notifications.

Alarm pop-ups can be colour coded e.g., red for emergency Notifications and green for Geofence Notifications. Click on the ‘+’ button on each Notification to show complete information

Received Notifications are displayed in the online Notifications window. These can be accessed by clicking the Notifications indicator at the bottom right

Notifications can also be sent in the form of emails

SicuroTrackV2 also provides SMS alerts Notifications for fleet managers

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