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Geofences can be used to define routes, speed restrictions and other behaviour. Some examples where Geofences may be useful include setting up a reduced speed limit within an accommodation area or defining a route for a delivery.


Notifications can be configured using these Geofences to notify Users if any of the criteria have been broken.

Route Geofence can be generated and used to trigger Notifications

Creating and Editing a Geofence

To add / amend a Geofence, go to the Geofences tab and click on new or amend icon


  • Fill in the Name and Description

  • Select the Type, can either be Circle, Polygon, or Route

  • Double click on the map to set a starting point and click Save

Complex polygons can be created and modified later


Here are additional Geofence properties you should be aware of:


Image: You can upload any image to a Geofence. An image can be chosen from the standard icons or loaded from your computer.


Colour: This colour will be used to render a Geofence on the map and to display it in a Unit's Tooltip.

Visibility: Here you specify map zooms at which Geofences will be displayed or not. It ranges from 1 to 19 where 1 is the most detailed scale (small streets and houses) and 19 is an overview (countries and continents) This help to avoid clutter on the map.

Creating Points of Interest

On SicuroTrackV2, Points of Interests (POIs) are created by defining a circular Geofence with a radius of 1 meter

Adding an Overlay as a Geofence

An existing KML / KMZ overlay may be added as a Geofence onto SicuroTrackV2. One of the benefits of doing so is that the formerly passive overlay can now be used in the platform for Notifications, Reports and Monitoring.

Overlays allow existing mapping data and other geo-specific information to be viewed at the same time as tracking and IVMS operations. For example, in oil and gas operations, concession mapping may be overlaid onto the standard mapping in SicuroTrackV2 in order to provide better awareness of operations on the block.


To add an Overlay as a Geofence, click your User name on the top-right of the screen and click Import from KML/KMZ. Afterwards, upload the KML/KMZ file and select a resource folder

Similar with Reports and Notifications, Geofences are also contained in Resource Groups folder

A sample Geofence imported by a using a KML file

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