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Creating and Editing Drivers

A Driver is an individual who can be associated with a Unit. Examples include Users with personnel tracking Units and Drivers in a vehicle associated with a specific Unit

To create or amend a Driver, go to the Drivers tab and click on new or amend icon. Some of the key options include:

Driver with complete information and profile photo

Driver picture, information and custom fields are displayed on the Tooltip

Name: Give Driver a name that will be visible during the tracking process and in reports.

Code: For IVMS RFID tags, this is the unique code needed to identify the Driver. This field will be automatically populated when a valid Driver ID tag has been presented to the Driver ID reader.

Description: Type any comments (optional). It is shown in Driver's Tooltip.

Phone number: Enter Driver's phone number. It can be used to send SMS Messages to the Driver. Note that Units or Drivers with the same phone numbers cannot exist in the system and the phone format should be in the international format, e.g., +971552938123 or +15557651321.

Mobile key: Leave this blank as this is for Sicuro Support use only

Exclusive: This should always be left checked. It ensures that the Driver can be associated with only one Unit

Photo: To quickly identify a Driver, you can upload their photo or any other image

Custom fields: Custom fields are shown in Driver's Tooltip and can be generated in reports.

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