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Points of Interest

A POI is a geographic point which may have significance to your operation.


Examples of POIs may include:

Company locations and facilities

Medical facilities

Route ‘spot’ maps

Natural hazards (e.g. weak or low bridges)

Adding appropriate POIs can be a powerful tool in the overall implementation of your tracking and IVMS operations. All position reports from devices will reference the nearest POI, including distance and bearing from the POI.


Other key features include:

• Proximity alerts can be set for POIs, allowing you to receive an alert when a particular Device or group of Devices is within a certain distance. For example this can be useful in automatically notifying a client when a delivery vehicle is approaching their warehouse.

• When any Alerts are received by email / SMS, they will include a distance and direction from the nearest POI, providing enhanced situational awareness

• POIs can be displayed on the map screen to enable better decision making and response to emergencies

• POIs can be grouped to allow quick access to information.


See How to Create POI video for reference.

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