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Navigating with SicuroTrackV2

The tabs displayed at the top of the window allows you to navigate simply between all of the areas and functions of the platform. The display of tabs can be customised for individual Users, just go to the “Tab Customiser” on the top-right side of the window

SicuroTrackV2 page. Unit Work List (or Work Area for Tabs other than Monitoring) can be found on the left. Additional buttons e.g., Hide Panel      ,Open Minimaps      can be found on the bottom left. On the right from top to bottom, the Tab Customiser      , Tools        and Notifications icons             can be found.

Depending on the tab chosen in the top menu, one of the following panels could be opened in the work area:



 Monitoring: View Units position, state and movements.

 Tracks: View movement history.

 Reports: Standard report templates

 Geofences: Create and edit Geofences

 Drivers: Create Drivers and assign them to Units

 Notifications: Create, edit and remove event Notifications

 Users: Manage Users

 Units: Manage Units

 Map Search: Search on the map

 Tools: Tools to calculate distance and area, route selections, search for nearest Units, etc.

SicuroTrackV2 with all Tabs displayed for an Admin User.

The width of the work area can be changed. To do this, please click on its right border and drag to the direction needed. The work area may be hidden completely by pressing the button situated in the left bottom corner        .

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